
Good Morning đŸ‘‹,
I Am Bhavya Panchal.
A Web Developer.

A web developer and UI designer who loves turning ideas into reality. I'm always looking for ways to improve and grow in my craft!


Full-Stack // Developer.

I am a full-stack web developer with a passion for creating unique websites.

I want to develop a creative website while also providing a unique experience to users.

I look forward to working with an experienced team to gain experience too.

I Have Done.

This is a list of some side projects I have created as practical practice. This project helped me understand the fundamentals of the frontend and backend sides of the web.

Weather Site

This website shows weather of different and our own locations weather.

Password Generator & Saver

This site helps us to generate strong password and also uses localStorage to store them.

Doc Hoster

This website was created for assignment uploading and downloading for collage students.

Music Player

This website is one of my side project. It uses music i uploaded on server and play them.

Currency Converter

This is also a side project. which taught me how to use api and it was very helpful.